
rt2600 SRM 1.3 Firewall dont work at all?

2022年10月11日 — Hi everybody,. i upgraded to SRM 1.3.1 for my rt2600 especially to have multiple networks but i cannot setup the firewall at all.

Blocking Regions with Firewall

2022年5月12日 — RT2600ac. As I monitor Threat Prevention Events, I see many of them are, from China and are directed at the ISP WAN IP address or the Router ...

How to create Firewall rules (on RT2600AC)

2021年7月8日 — How to create Firewall rules (on RT2600AC) ... or have a good collaboration by the Parental Control functions implemented by the Synology router ...

RT2600AC Block a device from accessing the Internet but ...

2022年5月26日 — Ban: Blocks the transmission between a device and your Synology Router while still allowing a banned device to access other devices within the ...

Synology RT2600ac Security Features Review

TLDR; For $200 you get 802.11ac, Suricata, VPN capabilities in a single box. · Basic Configuration: automatic Updates, default configuration, and authentication ...

Firewall | SRM - Knowledge Center

To create a firewall rule: Go to Network Center > Security > Firewall. Click Create. In the Name section, enter a name for the firewall rule.

Synology RT1900acRT2600ac Wi

看上的是防火牆功能比一般家用的好很多有在玩專業防火牆的人就知道家用router的防火牆根本太簡陋不足了大多產品可以說根本沒有防火牆至少SRM還能設防火牆規則還有 ...

Standard firewall rules Synology router

2022年7月8日 — Hi there, I have just acquired a RT2600ac router and I am not sure what to do about the firewall. There appears to be only one System Rule ...

Crazy question (Router Firewall rules)

2022年11月15日 — Crazy idea: Is it possible (legal) that a firewall rule like this could exist and work? TCP/UDP, all ports, IP RANGE:, ...


2022年10月11日—Hieverybody,.iupgradedtoSRM1.3.1formyrt2600especiallytohavemultiplenetworksbuticannotsetupthefirewallatall.,2022年5月12日—RT2600ac.AsImonitorThreatPreventionEvents,Iseemanyofthemare,fromChinaandaredirectedattheISPWANIPaddressortheRouter ...,2021年7月8日—HowtocreateFirewallrules(onRT2600AC)...orhaveagoodcollaborationbytheParentalControlfunctionsimplementedbytheSynologyrouter ...,...